Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Passwords: Some basic math.

There seems to be a constant pain in the arse requirement for passwords to be 8 letters with upper and lower case, and symbols and numbers.  As opposed to just letting them make a password as long as they want using letters.

Lets just math this for a second.

26 lower case numbers, 26 upper case numbers = 52 possible entries in the slot, add in the 10 numbers for 62, then lets allow a bunch of symbols, On my keyboard there are 32 possible symbol/punctuation options (Assuming that the field would let you use every single one of them, which would be unlikely).  This gives us 94 possible inputs for any one of those 8 slots, with 94x94x94x94x94x94x94x94 = 6,095,689,385,410,816 possible combinations. Throw in the space bar and it's 95 in the slot for 6,634,204,312,890,625

Now lets say we let them use a password as long as they want using just lower case letters (no caps sensitive passwords)  They opt for something like say: "my dog is named fido and i love him very much" Thats 45 letters long, using only 27 options (26 letters and a space) We get an answer of 2.578513367151428 x 10(to the power of 64)

So that's:

6,634,204,312,890,625 password possibilities vs
00000000 password possibilities.

One of these is probably harder to guess/crack?  If you simply allow passwords as long as you want and don't force use of upper or lower case or symbols, (but do allow them) the number is 9.446824413773784x10(90) for the same length.

So if we could stop forcing folks to use passwords that it's fine if they're only 8 characters long, but have to contain capital and symbols which make it hard for a lot of folks to remember, meaning they write it down somewhere near the computer, or stick it in a file somewhere on the computer.  Meaning that it's GOD DAMN SUPER-EASY to hack or social engineer.... That'd be great.  Hell if someone used "Many hands make light work" as their password it's 6.779108886313575x10(44‬) combinations.  And they might not FREAKING FORGET IT.  Meaning that they wouldn't then have to go through the password recovery system, which is also easily abused to hack an account.

Just my 2 cents worth.

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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Well it's been awhile.

I won't go into a heap of detail here right now.  Just hit the high-points.

1. I bought a house, nice little town-house.  2 bedroom, complex with a pool and tennis court.

2. My court case from my accident finally finalised.  Didn't get as much as I would have liked but got "enough"  bought myself a nice i20 car with it and the above mentioned town-house.

3. Living in the new suburb is freaking me out a bit but I'm adjusting.

4. It does feel somewhat weird to be living completely by myself again.  The last time I lived with no-one else under the same roof was in 1995 so it's been awhile.  At least unlike then I have internet access and don't have to walk from the centre of Toowoomba to USQ to check my email and surf the web. :)

5. I've taken up a game online called "Ingress".  It's good for getting me out of the house and socialising and getting some exercise.  You play it on your phone and it's what they call an "enhanced reality" game. Where the functions of the game are basically over-laid on the real world. (Hence you need to get out of the house and go places).  If you take it up just make sure you join the Resistance, not those poor Enlightened folks who are unwittingly aiding in the downfall of humanity after having the wool pulled over their eyes. *chuckles*

6. Not sure if I've posted since then but a few years ago went on a cruise of the Pacific Islands with my sister. 1 week cruise.  Was pretty fantastic.

7. Went on a week holiday in Cairns just a few weeks ago thanks to 2 good friends.  I made a few other friends that were on the same holiday at the same time.  REALLY enjoyed it.  Spent some time with people I like, got to see some amazing scenery driving around the area, and spent some time Snorkling the Great Barrier Reef on a nice sunny day.  I'd recommend it for anyone before the reef goes away.  - On that note I noticed a fair bit of bleaching on the reef even in the great spots we were at, one of my friends who grew up in the area and had been to those spots before about a decade ago noted that even in that period the progress of the bleaching was quite noticeable.  So the Reef isn't looking to have great prospects people, might be time to WAKE UP about the environment huh?

8.  My feet are frikkin FREEZING.  I boiled in summer but now In the first week of winter my tootsies wanted me to do something to warm them up.  I bought a new pair of UGG Boots and they're helping.

That's about all I got at the moment. I will try to flesh things out more in the future and maybe get some photos up again.  I'm still visiting my Mother/Sister/Niece regularly, though not as much as I used too.  My Niece is growing up and my sister doesn't need as much help as she did.  I still love them very much though and really enjoy seeing them.  It's exhausting though and I need a few days of being left alone by the world to recover my energy afterwards.

Hope this post finds you, the reader in good health.
Take Care.

- Adept/Alsith/Justaguy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Posting from McDonalds on the coast at the moment.

Fun first few days up the coast, hit beach, went swimming, sun, sand, salt-water.

Day at Sea-world, great to see Mikayla having fun.

Got a call as we left to call the ambulance for mum who had stayed at home not feeling well... (She wasn't in a condition to remember the address we were staying at to call them herself)

Mum is now in hospital with a messed up Appendix (now removed) and a side-case of Bowel cancer (fucking suprise!!!) now HOPEFULLY removed a long with a chunk of the bowel etc.. we'll see how complete that was, lot of stuff still to come.

I'm taking a few seconds to breathe and get my head sorted before going back into "deal and cope" mode.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wow that photo's old

Wow, that photo on the side is rather old I just realised, I've shaved my head, grown my hair way past my shoulders, and more recently shaved my head again. I'll have to get something new up there sometime.

That aside. I have semi-recently discovered the other side-effect of Tramadol. I'm now a REAL cheap drunk. Basically while I'm on Tramadol (I am on the 300mg a day now) any alcohol I consume effects me about twice to three times as hard. So if I had 2 beers it'd be like smashing down a 6 pack. Side effect is I tend to avoid alcohol without some pre-planning these days. :)

And because some newer folks have been re-directed to here to checkout accident photos etc I'll re-post the link to that post again so they don't need to go searching through the archives.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cousins page

My cousins much better maintained and presented page.



Thursday, December 08, 2011

This about sums up twilight

This just about sums up Trylight for anyone who considers watching these steaming piles.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Still Still not dead.  In fact there seems to be movement on my case and everything. Not sleeping well at the moment though.  Shifted onto Tramadol which for a while was great, lower side-effects.  I can get to sleep easier on it. However after a few weeks I noticed that while I was getting to sleep I wasn't staying asleep.  Small movements that I would normally sleep through the discomfort off were waking me back up, (still are) And while I can get back to sleep afterwards before to long, it makes for a very disjointed sleep-cycle.  And a lot of difficulty getting up at the end cause I don't really feel "rested" properly.  For a while I thought these were !#$!!! tonne better then the forte.  Less up/down despite being not as "powerful" at any given moment.  (on 200mg atm) .. I might see about possibly goign up to 300mg .. Or else, um .. well I have no clue, I don't really want to go back to the forte and have to spend 1/4 of the day in the loo again. (among other side-effects).

Ahh well I'll figure it out and adapt, I always do.

I'm still playing WoW, my flatemates have stopped.  I get in the occasional game of SC2 but I'm not that good and longer games really chew me up.  Hanging out for Diablo III game-wise as it's always good for a bit of hack and slash with whatever time investment you put into it and doesn't require a "huge" amount of concentration to do I hope.

Anyway ta ta for now.  (Oh and that link below to the photos, note that the crash was June 2004, not "a year or so ago).

Monday, April 18, 2011

Link to the accident stuff

Just a quick link to the accident stuff that I posted years ago because folks are asking for the photos again. Click on the title, or the following link.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just cause I love this guy

Love this guys work.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here goes

Well all it has been awhile since I've posted. Life has continued to go on. Wow side I have swapped servers over to Dael'thalas (oceanic) and my roomies and Nia have swapped also. Though Nia is way over-worked at work at the moment and hasn't been able to be on as much *pouts*.

Aside from that Spent christmas down in Warwick with family which was good. Exhausting, but good. There will of course be photos mostly involving my niece of said christmas coming soon. Then in Feb/March we headed to the coast for 2 weeks. I think we spent 80% of our time in the various shopping centres around the coast but such is the hazards of going on holidays with women. *grins and ducks*.

Not much more for me to say right now so stand back and prepare for Mikayla Photos. :)

Wow! This is one HUGE Bathtub.
Don't let the water get me Unca Mike!

My family took me on a nice Bush Walk to see a fantastic waterfall.

They also took me to movie world where they have this fantastic sparkly thing that goes around and around and plays music!

You know this makes that whole floating thing a lot easier.

Not sure about this whole beach thing though.

Rats! Another month or so and I'm going to be too big for this snuggle bed.

Practicing being cute.

Whoa Mum! I saw you go real fast on that thing.

Relaxing in the Spa with my Uncle Mike.

Hello everyone. I'm 8 months old today.

Showing Uncle Mike all the Christmas presents.

Trying out one of the Jolly Jumper models.

Figured Santa might be hiring this year?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm not dead .. Honest!

Ok .. not dead yet .. I will post something more here soon .. sometime .. really!

For the moment though I will just wish everyone a happy next two months of writing the date wrong :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Warned you .. More photos are now here.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Though I have been slack. I meant to get these up over a week ago.

Apologies to my niece.

Also trying some different formatting this time. Let me know if you prefer it or not. My HTML absolutely sucks so my formatting ability is shot.

Strangely enough whoever so holds the baby, them shalt be victorious at the cards.

Hey! No fair tickling from behind!

Hey if your all behind me, who's holding the camera?

Hey, Is that a dummy in your mouth too?

I'm Just Gorgeous

I'm not sure this chair is entirely Level, that I'm not.

Just Soooo Comfortable.

Let me go Grandma. I can take him!!

Gotta spend some quality time with my mummy.

Mum discovers the secret of afew minutes quiet.

My sister is multi-skilled.

Not now Grandma. My favourite soap is on!

Ok here's the plan. You hold me, and I let you.

She's my mum and you can't have her!

Oh well, at least one of us is looking at the camera.

Forget the beer Unca Mike. 2 shots of milk straight up.

The O'Neill Girls

Watching TV with Uncle Mike.

I'm too young to be this affected by Webcomics.

We're working on a puppet show. He's the dummy.

My great-aunt Lyn came down to visit me too.

Monday, October 22, 2007

More coming

Just a fair warning. I'm currently sorting out photos so expect another inundation sometime soon.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Warning. Many photos

Upon request from friends and because I love her so damn much. Here is a practical inundation of Mikayla pics. I have been spending alot of time down with Mum Sis and Mika recently and hope to return soon.

This is my Niece. We hope this passing out regularly after drinking is not a sign of things to come.

Warning: Many many many more pics to come. So I'm still Gushy over her. Live with it. :)

Taking in the world from her mums bed

My mummies funny.

Passed out after a hard day.

I expect to see this face off of wills many times in a decade or so.

Don't you hate it when your trying to take a bath and everyone else is just trying to take photos?

I'm pretty sure that wasn't there when I went to sleep.

Hey what was that flash?

Uncle Mikes supposed to be watching me but the TV is just too shiny.

Uncle Mike can feed me now too!

This family is Nuts!

There's my beautiful girls.

Say What?

Grandmas Waterbed is just too warm and snuggly.

Like my new outfit?

Strike a pose!

Don't drop me mum!

Grandma loves feeding me too.

Help my family is crazy people!

I'm to cute for this photo.

Snug as a bug in a rug in a sleeping bag.

Hey what's that shiney thing?

I love my Uncle and he loves me.

Almost as much as I love dancing with Grandma.