Sunday, June 07, 2015

Well it's been awhile.

I won't go into a heap of detail here right now.  Just hit the high-points.

1. I bought a house, nice little town-house.  2 bedroom, complex with a pool and tennis court.

2. My court case from my accident finally finalised.  Didn't get as much as I would have liked but got "enough"  bought myself a nice i20 car with it and the above mentioned town-house.

3. Living in the new suburb is freaking me out a bit but I'm adjusting.

4. It does feel somewhat weird to be living completely by myself again.  The last time I lived with no-one else under the same roof was in 1995 so it's been awhile.  At least unlike then I have internet access and don't have to walk from the centre of Toowoomba to USQ to check my email and surf the web. :)

5. I've taken up a game online called "Ingress".  It's good for getting me out of the house and socialising and getting some exercise.  You play it on your phone and it's what they call an "enhanced reality" game. Where the functions of the game are basically over-laid on the real world. (Hence you need to get out of the house and go places).  If you take it up just make sure you join the Resistance, not those poor Enlightened folks who are unwittingly aiding in the downfall of humanity after having the wool pulled over their eyes. *chuckles*

6. Not sure if I've posted since then but a few years ago went on a cruise of the Pacific Islands with my sister. 1 week cruise.  Was pretty fantastic.

7. Went on a week holiday in Cairns just a few weeks ago thanks to 2 good friends.  I made a few other friends that were on the same holiday at the same time.  REALLY enjoyed it.  Spent some time with people I like, got to see some amazing scenery driving around the area, and spent some time Snorkling the Great Barrier Reef on a nice sunny day.  I'd recommend it for anyone before the reef goes away.  - On that note I noticed a fair bit of bleaching on the reef even in the great spots we were at, one of my friends who grew up in the area and had been to those spots before about a decade ago noted that even in that period the progress of the bleaching was quite noticeable.  So the Reef isn't looking to have great prospects people, might be time to WAKE UP about the environment huh?

8.  My feet are frikkin FREEZING.  I boiled in summer but now In the first week of winter my tootsies wanted me to do something to warm them up.  I bought a new pair of UGG Boots and they're helping.

That's about all I got at the moment. I will try to flesh things out more in the future and maybe get some photos up again.  I'm still visiting my Mother/Sister/Niece regularly, though not as much as I used too.  My Niece is growing up and my sister doesn't need as much help as she did.  I still love them very much though and really enjoy seeing them.  It's exhausting though and I need a few days of being left alone by the world to recover my energy afterwards.

Hope this post finds you, the reader in good health.
Take Care.

- Adept/Alsith/Justaguy.


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