Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Everything go boom.

Ok well everything seemed to go boom at once.

There's been online dramas with my wow guild which I largely missed due to inability to login to warcraft. And I won't go further into them here but it has torn several people apart and resulted in a serious schism within our sub-culture of people. With several people leaving to form their own guild.

Aside from that the reason why I haven't been able to be on line and do much is simple. My Video card blew up. AGAIN.

It seems if any part of a computer is going to go it's always my video card. In this case I'm now not using my FX5200 and am instead using my old and busted GeforceMX2 that I kept around as a "stick it in ot make sure it isn't the video card that's busted" appraisal tool. Lucky I did I guess.

Anyway I may be getting a new Asus from an online friend Torgen since he has had one sitting around in a box for awhile and is prepared to send it to me for shipping costs only.
What a nice guy.
I choose to believe that his motives are purely altruistic and not that he simply wants my metal clad arse standing infront of him ingame so I get hit rather then it being his paper protected Clothwearing hiney getting pulped.
But no I do actually believe torgens just a flat nice guy.

Other news I now have a 10 yeard old in the house AGAIN. I'm cool with it though drama between the couple who were going to be looking after him while Carmen (Affinity) moved back up for a month in about a month ment they couldn't look after him.. so we are. If that makes sense.

Aside from that Affinity is coming up for a week or two in a month. At which point herself and Leighton (Sara/Thrug) will be moving out and it'll be back to 3 of us in the house.

I'm wondering who gets the large bedroom.

Anyway signing off for now as I should hit the sack. I have a bunch of 7am tests to be run on me tomorrow and I'm not looknig forward to getting up that early.

Take care all. Don't sleep with anyone I wouldn't. Don't dabble in politics. And Never summon anything bigger then your head. (Don't sweat the small stuff.... gnomes for example.)