Monday, November 21, 2005

Woo Hoo!!! ???

Well got some good news. Looks like I'll be starting back at work part-time casual on the Coming Wednesday. This is a good thing in that I am a) back in the work force and moving on and b) getting some extra much needed cash. However I can't say I'm not scared shitless. It's been over a year now since the car crash and the thought of returning to work scares the hell outta me. I know my mental facilities aren't fully back in place yet and I still have some problems. However the type of work I'll be doing is phone work, and I am at my best when "bouncing off" someone. Such as situations where I'm constantly responding. Someone calls, answer phone, they place an order, put order in computer. stuff like that.

Aside from that online the Vini Vidi Luci (I came, I saw, I played.) Guild that Order of Darkness (My world of warcraft guild) is allied with had their first molten core run. Infact the first run ever I main tanked. Was kinda fun. Though the followup was done at 10:30 American time. which is about 4:30 am Australian time. I had taken some painkillers before going to sleep so wound up sleeping straight through my alarm to get up for this run. I was woken at about 6:30 by my flatemates pounding on my door following a phonecall from the raid leader (40 people per raid) along the lines of "Is he up yet? We need a Tank!!!" It's nice to be appreciated even for just your ability to keep getting hit I guess.

Even so after a weekend spent doing that My mind was shot. that's some serious concentration and even if I do have peoples voices talking to me all the time on ventrilo to help keep me focused, and it's constant re-action, focusing 100% on something for that length of time entirely wipes me out. Fun though.

Aside from that stuff going on as usual. Wish there was something more interesting to report but aside from a minor earth rumble shaking some fillings in Darwin things are pretty quiet on the news front. Probably not so quiet if I actually LIVED in Darwin .. but hey.

Apparently 3 people actually read this in the last few weeks so to those 3 people if you re-visit HI!!

Take care all and see you again soon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

And life progresses.

Saw a psychologist yesterday. Apparently I am marginally sane. Given that this entire world is friggin insane this severly limits my predicted survival.

Saw my old work again today. Given the previous section I may be able to resume casual part time work within the next few weeks. Infact they seemed almost eager when they heard about my now reduced chances of survival. They mentioned something about insuring me for a huge amount of money vs employee fatality. I'm SURE they have my best interests at heart right? *grin*

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Women and shopping centres?

Interesting day today. Had family come up and we went and saw an old friends new kid. I'm not a family man. But I can appreciate that people want one. Personally new-borns for me look cute for about 5 minutes or until they go to sleep. If they're awake and crying thy just look like a slightly smaller football wrapped up in swaddling I swear.

I seem to be ok with kids after ages about 3-4. After that I can handle em. Before that I wouldn't have a clue. Good thing I'm not planning on having any of my own I guess.

Anyway before seeing this new midget miracle my mother and sister (who were up visiting for the day) had lunch at a shopping centre. Now we were supposed to be there an hour tops as we had a deadline to see the new rugrat in the hospital. 30-40 minutes for food and chit chat, No prob.

Then we walked past clothes shops. Oh my GOD. Ok 1st my sister wants to just "see if they have a skirt I'm looking for". Then when she's out of there my mother has "just ducked in to this place to see if they have anything while I'm waiting". Sister gets out and go to retrieve mother. Mum is located and tracked down and sister has gone in elsewhere as "I'm missing (random piece of clothing) for some (random outfit)". Rinse. Repeat. Alot.

Now I've been shopping with multiple women before. This ALWAYS HAPPENS. Are they incapable of walking past more then 3 clothing shops in a row without going in? Is it a biological imperiative "I must shop.!" ?? Does it justify your existance? "I shop therefore I am." Or is it just something in the genes? "I can't help it, I was born to shop!". ??

Ladies please explain it to me. Please I really want to know. It's driving us males MAD I tell you!!!!!!

Anyway that aside and seeing old friend with new rugrat was pleasant enough. Kid actually failed to a) cry, b) puke on me and c) hit me with any other bodily function. A succussfull encounter with a pre-crawler in my opinion.

After that we hit up an indian place on the way home and I have to tell you. If you like Indian food this place is fantastic. I actually forget the name of it but it's on Oxley road in Graceville in SW Brisbane. Friggin fantastic food. Great service. And as we found out tonight a belly dancer performs there every saturday night.

Here's a tip. Never eat somewhere with a belly dancer when you are with your mother. It's not safe no matter WHAT you do. Your either oggling the opposite sex inapproately. Or "Oh god he's GAY!!".

You can't win. Don't try.

Anyway despite my complaints over all a good day spent with family and friends I don't get to see enough off. Followed by a rather disappointing encounter in a video game I play online (WoW if you play it you know what that means if you don't don't bother asking *grin*) but that's not something I'm really concerned with gettting into.

Take care peeps see you when I get round to updating this again.

Friday, November 11, 2005

So um .. Hi.

Just getting this started up at the moment I'll probably post something more serious here in the near future.

In the meantime.

Name - Justaguy
Age - Born in 1976 so you work it out.
Interests - Killing telemarketers
Work - None at the moment.
Restrictions - Physical injuries as a result of car accident. And they won't let me kill telemarketers.

Hobbies - Computer games, friends, and when physically capable tennis, swimming, martial arts and whatever happens to take my fancy at the time.

Next update - When I get around to it. :P

Till then cya folks.

Me in March. (I have more hair now) Posted by Picasa