Friday, January 06, 2006

2006 Year of the blog?

Ok well it's 2006. Probalby just like 2005 only younger.

Not sure why people expect things to change with a new year. We always seem to get this sense of false hope. Still any upwards feeling is probably good. Justified or not.

My New Years was pretty quiet. Went round to a friends place. Caught up with him and his wife, chilled and chatted for afew hours. Came home.

Christmas wasn't to bad either actually. As I think I mentioned previously I headed home, spent some time with my Mother and Sister. Discovered I absolutely Loath my sisters new fella and then came home.

Ok I should probably explain that.

My sister has gone through about 5 guys in the last 5 years. Most of the previous ones I've got on ok with. Some I respected, some I didn't know. All made her happy most of the time. One was unwilling to leave the army when he got repositioned away. Ok I can respect that. One just decided one day it was over and moved out. After I got through wanting to reposition his nads to alaska while he stayed in country I realised Suanne didn't seem that upset and got over it. The last one before this one just got scared of how serious the relationship was and moved out I think. Ok I don't respect him, but I can to a degree understand him.

This guy is a little older then her, has 2 kids by a previous marriage that Suanne spends more time looking after then he does. Is away for 20 days a month drilling for oil and such. Has a step-daughter by same previous marriage that is no relation to suanne but Sue still spends most of her time looking after. Hell when she moved in with him I had to wind up going down from Brisbane to shift all his furniture out of his old house (I'd never even MET him) into the new place they got. Do all the work around the new place with my sister, clean his old place (Yeah this is me with the 1 working arm and constant neck/shoulder pain doing it for this guy cause he couldn't be bothered doing it before he shipped out again) and help Suanne setup all the crap.

I never even got a thanks from him. But that's also ok I wasn't helping him, I was helping my sister. What really pisses me of is I don't think she got one either. Also over christmas he displayed zero sense of humour, zero control over his children and when ever anyone else told them "no" or tried to restrain them or even enforce the rules he himself had earlier mentioned, they got such a dirty look and were made to feel so unwelcome that after 2-3 hrs on christmas day my mother and I just got up and left.

As a christmas present for his 2 kids, and for him and my sister to a degree I offered to take his 2 kids to the local cinema to watch the new Narnia movie. I figured that would get them out of the two of thems hair for afew hours during a hectic period, let them get an hour or two to rest and just be with each other after Christmas, and the kids would really enjoy it.

I got a look like I'd offered to half bury them in cement and then toss the cement and kid into a neck deep barrel of water filled with piranahs.

I could even handle it if he actually said anything. Then at least it would be out in the open and you'd know where you stand. But he just gives you these "looks" and the serious cold shoulder treatment. And you get the impression from my sister that any trouble you cause she's goign to pay for later.

Not much I can do but I swear if I ever see a bruise on her he'll look like he went through the car wreck instead of me. But unlike me he won't come out the other side.

Anyway way him aside christmas/new years not to bad. Net abit laggy recently. Temperature humid. Weather stormy.

Incidently the narnia movie was fantastic for anyone who was a fan of the books as a child. They say they're going to do all 7 books. I'm not sure how when they started on book 2. But hey...
Also saw Kong. Not to bad. I never saw the original but understand there were afew pointers to it in the dialogue. I quite enjoyed this newer version.
Other movie I have seen recently was The Legend of Zorro. Not as good as the original with the standard hollywood problem recently of most of the funny bits being in the shorts. But overall a very enjoyable movie.

Anyway I'm rambling abit atm I just thought It'd been awhile since I posted so I should make sure to do so.
Also having recently spent several hours getting my comp working again I figured I'd take full advantage of it.

- Justaguy.