Monday, January 23, 2006

Also in other news.

I'm 30 today.

According to the opinions I held when I was 20 I am now officially old.

Shoot me now.

That is all.


Blogger Morita said...

If people had to be shot at 30 I would have been killed a very long time ago. 30 is a great age, its where people stop treating you like you still need to mature and you are no longer considered "just past" teen years.

30 is actually pretty hard on women by the way, the biological clock starts its tickdown cycle and even doctors that make money off pregnant women are telling 30+ to avoid having a child. Men on the other hand can father children til the day they die of massive OLD age (see well over 80)with no one thinking anything other that Wow! that guy still has it!

Sorry for the minor rant, but people that act like 30 is the end of their lives bug me *poke* You survived an accident that could easily have killed you, it's not pleasant and may never been pleasant again, but your birthday is not the problem.

You should be celebrating the fact you HAVE a birthday. Now enjoy your birthday with your friends and stop acting like it is the end of the world *tickle*

1/24/2006 10:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Justa,

Nice to see you have web page, Hope all is well and continues to get better and better for you


2/19/2006 1:49 pm  

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