Monday, April 30, 2007

Still not dead

The world, failing multiple times to kill my real life has instead turned its attention upon my electronic life. Sometime early Feb (And I suspect alot of my problems since Novemberish last year were also caused by this) My motherboard decided to finally croak. I'd replaced my hard drive and power supply already thinking that they were the problem .. If only they were, they were alot cheaper to fix :).

Thus I have been off-line for almost 2 months. But now I'm back. (Stop groaning Niaria I'm not that bad, honest *grin*.)

Upside is that I now have a brand spanking new motherboard, chip and memory. Downside is that I now have a brand spanking new debt as I pay off a Real Life friend who along with his wife volunteered to help fund my return to the electronic world in return for my paying them back every fortnight and my going over to their place for dinner abit more often. (Hey how could I say no to that?).

That aside I finally after 5 months of trying have an appointment with my Neurosurgeon. I had waited to long between appointments thinking that I didn't want to bother him with stuff that my local GP could take care off. And as a result due to the system they use at the hospital when I did make an appointment I had to be treated as a "new patient" thus requiring me to get a referal to him again from my GP. This I did. It then took him so long to "triage" my referal that by the time he did it had been 3 months and I got a letter from him saying "Since your referal is so old could you please get me another one."

I screamed, I cried, I ranted. I then went and got another referal. Though this time I had to go to a different doctor as in that period of time my regular GP had decided to Retire (5 years early). It then took him 2 months to triage that referal. (Yes I had been calling his receiptionist weekly since I sent the first one in.) And now my appointment is set for early July. 7-8 months after I started trying to get another appointment with him. My entire court case is being held up for this crap.


Anyway that's about all for me at the moment. I'm about to go over to a friends place and see if I can find out why he's been out of communication with all of his friends for about a month. Make sure he didn't die and no-one told us or something. Take care all.

aka Michael.
aka Adept.


Blogger Morita said...

Welcome back to the land of spammers, keyloggers and crazy net people :) Missed you around and hope that things with your doctors go smoother than they appear to be going so far.


5/02/2007 9:50 pm  
Blogger NatashaRA said...

Yeay! Now just post here more than once a year and life will be good for the rest of us. :)

5/03/2007 2:59 pm  

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